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The magic of light reflecting from all angles at the Panoramic Bar in Brittany Le Goëland.



After studying hotel and restaurant management and then an additional bartender's degree, Sylvie Massot finally unpacked her case at Miramar La Cigale in 1993 where she has been climbing the ladder to the present day. Fascinated by mixology, the art of creating cocktails, she learned her trade during the many competitions in which she took part within the Association des Barmen de France [French Bartender Association], including the famous calvados award that she won in 2001.

Surrounded by a dynamic and professional team, she is always ready to listen and share her knowledge on a daily basis. Exchange is at the heart of her philosophy, with the aim of satisfying customers with exceptional flavours or events.

“I love to surprise customers with amazing flavours.”

Barman Antoine Pénard Le Goëland Bar at Miramar La Cigale



For more than 20 years now, our team of professionals and enthusiasts of the Panoramic Bar in South Brittany, Le Goéland, has been developing its creativity and continues to amaze with its fabulous cocktails based on fresh fruit and vegetables.

We love to surprise our guests with the amazing flavours of our drinks. Whether it's with celery, beetroot or pepper, the team love to amaze both the young and the old !


And yes, the Panoramic Bar in Southern Brittany at Miramar La Cigale has the most beautiful cocktail menu created on the Rhuys peninsula.

red and white cocktails at the Le Goeland bar of Miramar La Cigale


FROM 10:00 TO 23:00